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Model Andrej Pejic at Paris Fashion Week

    ニューフェイスとして登場したフィーメルモデルのようなルックスのアンドレイ・ペジック(Andrej Pejic)が、ガリアーノ、ゴルチエ、ラフシモンズ、ポールスミスらのショーで活躍しているではないか。ここ最近ファッション誌などでも良く見掛ける彼だが、それにしても女性らしい。今後彼がどう成長していくかが楽しみだ。

    ‘I don’t like it when they use female models for the mens shows’ wrote someone in one forum. They were referring to Andrej Pejic, the male model who has had a lot of people guessing during Pairs Mens Fashion week. The Melbourne native has brought his androgynous beauty to big big brand shows in this, his debut fashion week. See from above left his appearances in John Galliano, Jean Paul Gaultier, Raff Simmons and Paul Smith. He’s pretty for sure but he also has a cheeky glint in his eye. Expect to see a lot more of Andrej in upcoming editorials, one of the agencies needs to bring him to Tokyo! See the link below for his portfolio.