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宮奥謙馬 (Kenma Miyaoku)1985 – 2009

    kenma Radio Foundation

    kenma radio foundation
    kenma radio foundation
    kenma radio foundation

    本日、TOKYO DANDY TEAM は友人であるレディオファンデーション(Radio Foundation)のボーカル、ケンマ(宮奥謙馬)にサヨナラをしてきた。

    Radio Foundation のフロントマンとして活躍してきたボーカルのケンマ(宮奥謙馬)が、7月12日(日)に永眠。

    また、今月末渋谷AXで予定していたライブをとても楽しみにしていたのを覚えている。それだけでなく、明日TOKYO DANDY 主催のイベントが原宿で開催されるのだが、そこでのプレイもとても楽しみにしていた。デビューアルバムの準備も順調と聞いていた。それなのに… やっぱり信じることができない。

    沢山の人々に愛されてたケンマは、沢山の人々からサポートを受けていただろう。そして、私たちTOKYO DANDY TEAMは、これからもサポートし続けるだろう。




    Today we said good bye to our dear friend Kenma from Radio Foundation, who passed away on Sunday.

    It’s difficult to put into words how much we are going to miss Kenma. So many of us are going to miss him so much. He was living his dream with enthusiasm and a big heart, raw talent and an infectious laugh. We were so lucky to have got to know him over the past year. It’s heart breaking thinking about the things we were planning to do this year. Kenma was really looking forward to the Radio Foundation show at Shibuya AX later this month. Radio Foundation were going to be playing at our party tomorrow night. I wish more than anything they still were. Kenma had written about 16 new songs and we were going to work on the English together over Summer ready to record Radio Foundations debut album later this year. For the past year we have talked about how we wanted to support each other and get bigger and bigger. I can’t believe he has gone.

    Kenma was so encouraging and supportive of everyone around him. Now we all have to support each other.

    Seeing my photos being used at Kenmas funeral and being given out to his friends is the biggest honor I have had in my life and I feel honored to have known Kenma. My love and thoughts are with all of his family, friends and fans. We will never forget you.