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    THE ICE CREAM STORE™ / THE ICE CREAM STORE™にてアイスクリームサービスが行われていた2009年(コチラ)。マークバイマークジェイコブスでは、モデルのエリ・ローズが会場を盛り上げ途中参戦した富永愛。モデル陣エリ・ローズ、ソノヤ、カロリナ、大森美知、水原希子、奈良裕也、サチコらと共にマックスマーラー青山店にてフォトセッションを行った2010年(コチラ)。史上初歴史的イベントを記録した昨年のFNO(コチラ)。各国のVOGUE編集長、デザイナーらが集結し街中が興奮状態だった2011年11月5日。

    今年は、マーク・ジェイコブス青山 2階にて”カスタマイズスタジオ”を開催したのだ。レディー・ガガ表紙のアメリカ版VOGUEセプテンバー・イッシュー(9月号)をカスタマイズ。訪れる人々と何か一緒にできないか!?と考えた結果、マーク・ジェイコブスの衣装に身を包んだガガの表紙をカスタマイズするのはどうか!と思いついたのだ。大人も子供も一緒に楽しめる”カスタマイズスタジオ”。マジックで得意のイラストを描く人もいれば、折り紙を切り刻みコラージュする子供たち。とても良い空気感でFNOならではのイベントに参加できたことをマーク・ジェイコブスジャパンに感謝。終盤韓国出身の歌手で俳優のチャン・グンソクの登場で外はパニック状態。気さくでフレンドリーな彼は、自らVOGUE表紙をカスタマイズしてくれたのだ。1階ではフォトグラファー新田桂一によるフォトセッションが行われていて、こちらも大盛況だった様子。

    Saturday September 8th saw the fourth installment of VOGUE Japan’s Fashion Night Out. Back in 2009 we took to the streets and visited numerous stores including the now closed Billionaire Boys Club and Ice Cream Store before partying with Elli-Rose and Tominaga Ai at Marc by Marc Jacobs (2009 FNO JAPAN photos here). In 2010 we enjoyed hosting and photography duties at Max Mara with Elli-Rose, Sonoya, Michi, Kiko, Yuya and Sachiko (2010 photos here). Last year was a big year and we visited the stores we have closest ties to including Faline, Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Y-3 and Dior before DJying for our friend Kim Jones at the Louis Vuitton After-Party (2011 Photos here).

    For 2012 Tokyo Dandy were invited to take over the second floor space of the beautiful Marc Jacobs boutique in Aoyama. With a Belvedere Bar and Keiichi Nitta taking photos downstairs we felt the party aspect was taken care of and wanted to do something a little different than the usual ‘DJ’ thing. The September issue of US Vogue, the 120th Anniversary issue no less, features Lady Gaga wearing a dress specially made for the occasion by Marc Jacobs. We thought it would be fun to set up a cover-customization-studio where guests could drop by and get creative. So with the kind permission of Marc Jacobs and US Vogue themselves that’s what we did. On an evening that celebrates fashion and encourages people to shop, our little studio become a relaxing hive of activity, even Korean actor Jang Geun Suk couldn’t resist getting involved and made a couple of covers of his own. Everyone got involved and there were some amazing efforts. We’re going to post some of the best ones on Tokyo Dandy later this week, until then we’d just like to thank everyone who dropped by – it was a really lovely crowd of people. Thanks also to Marc Jacobs Japan for allowing us to add our own bit of creativity to Vogue FNO.