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NEW YORK CITY! Our home for the past week. We flew into the Big Apple on American Airlines direct from Haneda into JFK. The early morning flight is perfect for staying up the night before, sleeping through the journey, then waking up in time to catch the sky scrapers of Manhattan out the window as you prepare to land the following morning. (top photos of American Airlines Plane and joe getting cosy in his seat pre-flight from TOKYO DANDY instagram)

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Whilst in New York we shacked up with one of our best friends who has a beautiful apartment in Green Point Brooklyn. The predominantly Polish area is one of New York’s up and coming neighborhoods, complete with faded Ad’s on the sides of buildings and shuttered shops ready for renovating into one of the numerous bars and cafes in the area.

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Taking the G train and switching to get to Manhattan would take us past 5 POINTS, the international street art mecca in Long Island City where artists from around the world have decorated the facade of a huge factory building. It was a nice touch to see Brooklyn Native Biggie Smalls up there amongst tigers and tags.

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Joe with the new Jeremy Scott x Longchamp bag featuring the retro TV color tester bars (see photos from Jeremy’s show and after party here) GREENPOINT (photos from TOKYO DANDY INSTAGRAM)

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Our first morning in New York we attended the LACOSTE S/S’14 show at Lincoln Center. It was a beautiful day so we took a walk round Central Park, paying respects to John Lennon at Strawberry Fields and stopping to photograph Joe in Fall’13 LACOSTE.

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From Central Park the walk back to the subway took us down ‘Museum Mile’, past The Met, famous in fashion circles for it’s annual Costume Institute Ball inaugurated by Diana Vreeland (a tradition continued by Anna Wintour). Just up the road shinning bright in the September sun were the unmistakable iconic clean lines of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Guggenheim. New York is indeed a city with a conscience, the goings on within which are reported through a variety of traditional print media as illustrated by the collage poster we found on the walls of the subway.

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西海岸のビーチセットがクラシックプレッピーを醸し出してくれた「トミー ヒルフィガー」2014年春夏コレクション会場(こちら)。「渋谷」をテーマに開催されたアレキサンダー・ワンのアフターパーティーにて(こちら)、イギリス出身アーティスト、ナタリア・キルズと意気投合。注目のビューティーガール!

Dan on the Boardwalk of the Tommy Hillfiger show (photos from that here) and Joe with the beautiful Natalia Kills at Alexandr Wang’s After-Party (photos and report HERE)


2本の光がニューヨークの夜空を照らした2013年9月11日。同時多発テロから12年を迎え「追悼の光(Tribute in Light)」と題したライト・ショーが開催された。対照的なリトル・イタリーは祝祭のような雰囲気。

We were in New York during the anniversary of September 11th, two beams of light in the night sky reminding us of what once stood down town – contrasting with the festive color of Little Italy.

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ステイ場所から3ブロックほど先の「イーストリバーフェリー」乗り場に向かいマンハッタンへ移動。新たな交通手段として2011年6月に運行がスタートしたイーストリバーフェリー。マンハッタンのミッドタウンからクイーンズ、ブルックリンなどの主要エリア計7カ所を結んでいて、片道4ドルで乗ることができる。ウィリアムズバーグに、ドミノ・シュガー(Domino Sugar)の工場跡、ブルックリン橋をくぐり着いた先はイースト・ヴィレッジ。

Staying in Greenpoint a great way to cross the rover and get into Manhattan was via the East River Ferry, the dock for which was just a couple of blocks from our friends apartment. Joe’s pictured on the docks below, before we took the journey down past Willamsburg and the now disused Domino Sugar plant to the dock underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. We walked over the Bridge and down through the gardens of the City Hall to take in the city on our way to the East Village.

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ニューヨークに行ったら必ず訪れるお気に入りインディペンデント書店「Dashwood Books」。写真集はもちろんアートブックやここでしか手に入らないZINEなどが揃っている。もう一カ所は、ブルックリンの地下鉄構内のある「The Newsstand」アート・ブック・ストア。

Two of our favorite stores in New York, the renowned Photo Book store Dashwood Books and a newer addition, The ‘Newsstand’ which exists at the junctions of the L & G lines in Brooklyn and stocks a variety of photo ‘zines.

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Our destination in the East Village was Search & Destroy. It’s the closest thing to a Japanese Used-Clothes store in the city and the Punk-style-heavy favorite of young celeb’s as well as designers in search of inspiration. Band T’s, military uniforms, gimp masks and re-made leather jackets can be found amongst sex toys and creepy dolls at this St. Marks Place staple.

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マンハッタンの夜景を撮るためにイーストリバー フェリーに戻ってきた。

ABOVE: Returning to GREENPOINT via The East River Ferry early in the evening gave us a beautiful view of the Manhattan skyline BELOW: Me and Joe with Marcel Burlon at his party with Opening Ceremony.

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最終日の12日、前の日にニューヨーク入りした奈良裕也とあるプロジェクトの撮影を行った。朝7時に集合してブルックリンからマンハッタンの高層ビルをバックに、キース・へリングによる「CRACK IS WACK」がそのまま公園名になったイースト・ハーレルにある巨大壁画をロケーションに。この作品は、写真右上にも書いてあるが、ハーレムの子供たちに向けたメッセージを込めて1986年に描いたもの。既に27年も経っていることに驚いてしまった。

We spent a day shooting with Nara Yuya for a soon to be announced project. The highlight was being able to shoot on location at Keith Haring’s ‘Crack is Wack’ wall out in Queens. Haring created the piece in 1986 at a time when crack abuse was devastating the areas youth. It’s the perfect example of how Haring’s work tackled social issues whilst remaining decorative and being able to reach those to which it was aimed. The park was named the ‘Crack is Wack Playground’ in the artists honor and in the 30 years since Keith created it no other graffiti artist has painted over the top – a true make of respect. It’s one of just a few public murals by Keith still visible in the city.

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ABOVE: A day time view of Manhattan from Green Point BELOW: Joe with Manhattan in the background

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Reese’s Pieces, a bright piece of Americana bought at JFK for the flight back to Haneda on American Arilnes. Landing in Haneda instead of Narita gives a great sense of the scale of Tokyo, glittering below us. After a trip to New York, the Tokyo returnee has to battle both jet-lag and to keep the energy, momentum and motivation they got from being in New York!