
会田誠は、今日最も注目されている日本の現代アーティストのひとり。その作品は、グロテスクでエロティックな作風を見せたと思えば、一方では政治的、歴史的な課題への鋭い批評性を見せる。また日本の現代社会を投影しながら、同時に伝統的な美術作品や様式も多く参照されている。ただ、その作品を俯瞰してみると、この多義性こそが日本社会の縮図のように見えてくることも事実。会田誠の美術館での初個展となる本展では、デビュー以来20年以上にわたる会田の混沌の全貌を、新作を含む約100点を通して明らかになる。More info HERE!!!

会期:2012年11月17日(土)~ 2013年3月31日(日)
会場:森美術館 *東京都港区六本木6-10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー53階
時間:10:00 ~ 22:00 火曜 10:00 ~ 17:00
入場料:一般1,500円、高校・大学生 1,000円、子ども(4歳~中学生) 500円 

Aida Makoto has been consistent in both the quality of the work and to the degree in which it comments on the times. Many may not have heard fo him as he hasn’t put out cuddly toys or collaborated with a luxury goods house to convey his message (yet). Below is the excerpt from the Mori Gallery website which details why the truly deserves this large scale exhibition.

For more than 20 years since his debut in the early 1990s, Aida Makoto has brought a critical perspective to such subjects as Japan, the United States, history, tradition, manga, war, salarymen, pretty young girls, art, and education system, touching upon contradictions in Japanese society, politics and economics during the period of modernization in the Meiji and subsequent periods followed by the rapid economic growth after the Second World War, as well as mass culture and the system surrounding visual art practice that emerged in the wake of these changes. In the course of his practice, Aida has often overturned the accepted wisdom, attitudes and customs that have been collectively and unconsciously shared by Japanese society, and graphically laid bare its taboos, complexities, real intentions and contradictions. For this reason, Aida has trodden a path all of his own, producing artwork that induces in viewers intense feelings of both discomfort and exhilaration.

Compared to other artists of his generation, critical response to Aida’s artworks has been consistently favorable. He also continues to garner high levels of respect from the generation of artists below him. And yet he has never held a large-scale solo exhibition at a museum. In this show, we will present the entirety of his creative output. Through his artworks, Aida identifies and then places before us all manner of peculiarities within contemporary Japanese society? social taboos, emasculated traditions and the coexistence of art and mass culture. To confront such issues through Aida’s practice is one of the things needed most as we think about the future of this nation today.

Aida Makoto ‘Monument for Nothing’
November 17 (Sat), 2012 – March 31 (Sun), 2013