Artitst_in_shonan_kamakura_museum 1岸田劉生《初夏の麦畑と石垣》1920年 油彩、カンヴァス 当館蔵 / KISHIDA RYUSEI Wheatfield and Stone Wall (1920)


湘 南 の 画 家 た ち – Artists in Shohan
会期:2015年1月24日(土)- 3月22日(日)
会場:神奈川県立 近代美術館 鎌倉(美術館)

Artitst_in_shonan_kamakura_museum 2片岡球子《面構 等持院殿》 1967年 着彩、カンヴァス 当館蔵 / 朝井閑右衛門《祭 Ⅰーお狐》1977年 油彩、カンヴァス 当館蔵

The Shonan Area holds a certain romance and has done for over a century, something explored at The Museum of Modern Art in Kamakura.

During the Meiji era the Western practices of sea bathing and recuperation were imported to Japan and Sagami Bay became a popular retreat of mansion houses fostering a unique culture. In the Taisho period the likes of Ryusei Ishida and Tetsugoro Yorozu took up convalesce here while Seiji Chokai and Seichi Hara soaked up from its shores the passion to create. With Mt. Fuji and Hakone within view, surrounded by the sea and the mountains Seiki Kuroda, Kanuemon Asai and Shiko Munakata often came to stay here, while other arists opened studios or even came to settle here, connecting numerous points of creativity. From Kiyokata Buraki, Hoshun Yamaguchi to Seison Maeda, Shinsui Itoh and Yuki Ogura, numerous creators took this district as their place of artistic practice and it is with this rich cultural background that one may say the Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura came into being. From nihonga to contemporary art, printmaking and sculpture this exhibition showcases over 80 examples of work produced by artists who took the Shonan landscape as their subject or took its land as their base for creative production.

January 24 – March 22nd 2015
The Museum of Modern Art Kamakura

Artitst_in_shonan_kamakura_museum 3高橋由一《江の島図》1876-1877年 油彩、カンヴァス 当館蔵 / 李禹煥《 From Line 》1980年 顔料、膠、カンヴァス 当館蔵