森川マサノリ(Masanori Morikawa)によるクリスチャン・ダダ(CHRISTIAN DADA)の2012年秋冬コレクションが六本木ミッドタウンにて発表された。エッジでどこかダークな細かいディテール。森からのインスピレーション源と、失われた物を取り戻すかの様な今回のテーマは「LOST」。森だけでなく自然界に存在する植物もそうだ。大木のようなシルエットに、デジタルジャガードのグリーンの色ががキレイに映えていた。ダダと言えば … 今もっとも注目を集めているヤングデザイナーの1人。前回に比べると(こちら)ショーピースが減ったと同時にメンズルックが増えていましたね。レザーにスタッズ、クラッシュ加工が目立っていて、ラストには、インスピレーション減となる森の映像が巨大スクリーンに映し出された。
In just his 3rd runway outing, Christian Dada designer Masanori Morikawa has been able to make a name for himself as one of the most anticipated shows during Tokyo Fashion Week. I’d argue that Morikawa-san has been able to do this because his collections represent everything one would expect from a young Japanese designer, they are dark and edgy, thematic and surprising. One huge strength Morikawa-san has over other designers is his eye for editing. Nothing is in the show doesn’t need to be, nothing is repeated. Two studded pieces for F/W 2012 continued the designers love affair with the perennial trend, a beautiful colored fabric like a shinning wet semi-precious stone could be found on tops for boys and dresses for girls. Huge bell bottomed wide legged pants contradicted tight fitting upper bodies and even came with fur trim. In the past lots of Dada’s detailing has been in the styling elements, but in this collection it was in beautiful knits and some intricate patterns that were difficult to discern through the dark green lighting of the show. I’m thrilled that Christian Dada shows during Japan Fashion Week – we need somebody needs to connect the week to what is fresh, young and exciting about Japanese Fashion now.