世界を巡回している期間限定のスニーカーショップ「GUCCI ICON-TEMPORARY」がNY、 MIAMI、LONDONを経て、いよいよ最後の都市東京に上陸。また、facebookページでは、2010年6月12日(土)~7月4日(日)までGUCCI 新宿店にて期間限定に開催されるGUCCI ICON-TEMPORARY TOKYOの最新の情報とそれにまつわるトピックスまでもお届け。Enjoy USTREAM.

After stops in New York, Miami and London the Gucci Icon-Temporary sneaker store finally arrives in Tokyo. Opening this Saturday, June 12th on the Mezzanine level of Shinjuku Gucci store, Gucci-Icon temporary features sneakers designed exclusively for Japan. It also continues the collaboration with Mark Ronson, exclusive designs from Gucci Ronson will also be available when the stores opens its doors Saturday morning. The plans for the interior of the store (above) show a clean modern space with the iconic red and green banding synonymous with the Gucci label. We will bring you photos from the store opening over the weekend, you can catch it live on USTREAM at the website HERE from 9pm Japan time.

Follow GUCCI ICON TEMPORARY TOKYO on twitter HERE for exclusive updates. Tokyo Dandy will also be tweeting live from the store, follow us HERE.