「J’aime mon carré =(I Love My Scarf)」と名付けられたエルメス(HERMÈS)のスカーフ「カレ(carre)」を、もっと沢山の若者に使ってもらいたくて、オリジナルの個性溢れるスタイリングで、出動した期間限定「J’aime mon carré Boutique」at 表参道ヒルズ。
これまでのスカーフとは一味違う。スカーフはただ首周りに巻くだけでなく、どこに巻き付けても良いのだ。そう、頭、首、腰、胸、あなた次第でどんなスタイリングも手に入れることができる。今回この企画のための登場した、イメージビジュアルが各国々(ロンドン、ニューヨーク、パリ、東京)でファッションスナップとして登場したほか、東京チームからは、ビューティーU&梢&GOにPhenomenon所属のJONNYらが抜擢。見よ、彼らのスタイリング。ここから学ぶのもありなのでは?種類豊富なエルメスのスカーフ、自分好みのカラー、自分好みの絵柄、ヴィンテージと色々あるなか「マイ カレ」を見つけ、普段使いしてほしい。
また、9月22日に行われた「J’aime mon carré Presents Omotesando Hills Special Party – one and only」では、土屋アンナによるライブパフォーマンスがあったり、カレを使用したリロファッションショーがあったりと、会場は大盛り上がり。そして、DJで会場を盛り上げていたのはYUYA & SACHIKOだった。カレをもっと身近に感じるために、手に取って自分自身のスタイリングを楽しんでみるべし。check it out HERE.
「エルメス J’aime mon carré ブティック @ 表参道ヒルズ」
期間:2010年9月11日(土)- 11月14日(日)
場所:表参道ヒルズ 本館B1F
Omotesando Hills in Tokyo so a party of epic proportions this past Wednesday, thrown by French luxury goods house Hermès in celebration of their global ‘I Love My Scarf’ campaign. Our friends U & Go Akimoto alongside their sister Kozue and Jon-E from Phenomenon were the stars of the Japanese campaign (online here). I am a sucker for snap-shot photography and cheki cameras so I love the photos used. It’s not everyday you get to see your friends in a campaign for a luxury goods company, Hermès has really taken a chance with this move and judging by Wednesday night they’ve done a really good job of it.
The set ‘Backstage’ was in Hermès signature orange and white, banks of hair and make-up counters for the dozens of models were set up in the center with an open champagne bar down the side. Yuya Nara and Sachiko were going to DJ and renowned NARS make-up artist Sada Ito was another of the familiar faces there making it a family affair. Out front the evening started with a performance by Tsuchiya Anna, but the main event involved the models themselves. Literally dozens of them strutted and twirled down the stairs of building as guests watched from the balconies above. When Omotesando Hills first opened I thought it was crap. It’s feels like an airport terminal. But stood at the bottom of the stairs which is on the third basement level floor and looking up through the six floors that make up the complex you can’t help but be amazed by it’s size, something you really don’t notice from outside. I saw pictures from fashions night out where it had been used for a similar event and after the Hermès party I hope Omotesando Hills is used a lot more for such huge occasions. But back to the party, the dozens of models were wearing their Hermès scarves in all manners of styles, and were soon joined by a troupe of dancers. As the music reached it’s crescendo, the Akimoto family emerged on the stage thousands of glittering red hearts showered down on the crowd. I thought it was incredible. Like Bob Fosse with better accessories. Anywhere else in the world the people watching would have gone crazy! But alas, this is Japan and a fashion party – people really are up-tight, reserved mother fuckers.
We had a fantastic time, congratulations to Hermès for staging such a great event.
“J’aime mon carré Hermès boutique @ Omotesando Hills”
Duration: September 11, 2010 (Sat) – November 14 (Sunday)
Location: Omotesando Hills Main Building B1F