INNER TUBING by Maggie James

グンゼ(GUNZE)が展開するブランド「ボディ ワイルド(BODY WILD)」が、デザイナー、マギー・ジェイムス(Maggie James)と新ブランド「インナー チュービング バイ マギージェイムス ボディワイルド(Inner Tubing BY MAGGIE JAMES BODY WILD)」を発表したほか、12月2日(木)にはBODY WILD原宿店にてレセプションパーティが開催された。肌触りの良さはもちろん、フィット感を追求した「インナーチュービング」は、伸縮性の高いコットンジャージやハイテクナイロン素材を使用した新感覚のインナーアイテム。あなた次第でスタイリング色々。異なる柄、色を重ね合わせ、メインアイテム、そしてアクセントに。check HERE.

Last week saw the launch of our friend Maggie James’ collaboration with underwear giant BODYWILD, part of the GUNZE corporation. Maggie hasn’t been in Tokyo so much of late, she’s been kept in New York as the Agent/Manager/Translator for Takeru Kobayahsi, overseeing his transition from World Champion hot dog eater to Terry Richardson photographed Athlete. But Maggie was in town for this launch at the Cavernous BODY WILD flag ship store on Cat Street. ‘Inner Tubing’ brings together the worlds of fashion and sport with it’s mixtures of fabrics and patterns that can be worn in a variety of ways offering maximum comfort and flexibility to the season-less line. As well as being on sale at BODY WILD, there is a pop-up store in Shinjuku Isetan running through until Dec. 14th. See the video above by Tetsuhiro Koyanagi for how inner tubing layering and mixed patterns works. Congratulations Maggie!