10月19日、「Jenny Fax(ジェニー・ファックス)」2014年春夏コレクションが発表された。渋谷・宮下公園スケートパークを会場に、少女漫画をモチーフにしたどこか懐かしいガーリーでミステリアスなジェニー・ファックスの世界。キュートな部分だけでなく、ボロボロに破れたダメージデニムに黒のエナメル素材、ハート形モチーフ、エプロン調のアイテムと異なる少女の世界観を演出。
JENNY FAX designer Jen Fang injected some much needed Asian influence to the Tokyo Fashion scene with her show during Shibuya Fashion Festival. The setting was Miyashita skate park and models marched to an Asian influenced sound track in t-shirts emblazoned with Chinese idols and one-off customized pieces embellished with karaoke singing cabbage patch dolls, girly frills and stand out wide legged pants in both denim and Pink PVC. In a week in which many brands took themselves seriously, this was something fun for us to take seriously.