
Kiko Mizuhara’s image has been omnipresent throughout Japan in the past couple of years with a multitude of appearances in campaigns and commercials as well as magazine covers and movies. The next few months will see Kiko step further into the realms of cross-genre pop-culture collaborating on her first clothing collection with Opening Ceremony as they move to a new location in Tokyo, plus she lends her vocals to m-flo appearing on a track on their upcoming album.

2009年8月、日本に初上陸を果たしたNY発高感度セレクトショップ「OPENING CEREMONY(オープニングセレモニー」。オープニングパーティーには、今やKENZOのクリエイティブ・ディレクターでもあるウンベルト・レオンとキャロル・リムの姿はもちろん、女優のキルスティン・ダンストにオルセン姉妹、アレキサンダー・ワン、エリン・ワッソンらが訪れたほか、アフターパーティーでは、ザ・ストロークスのヴォーカル、ジュリアン・カサブランカスを迎えてスペシャルライブが行われた。2010年10月には、グラソービタミンウォーターと音楽プロデューサーVERBALによる巨大ハロウィンパーティー「OBAKE YASHIKI」が開催された(コチラ)。

Opening Ceremony Tokyo opened in 2009 with one of the most memorable parties of the past few years. Guests including Kirsten Dunst, the Olsen Twins and Alexander Wang were in town to celebrate the opening of the 8 floor store in Shibuya. The after party at Liquid Room featured the first ever live solo performance by Julian Casablancas and went on wayyy past it’s scheduled finish time. Although another great party followed in 2010 with VERBAL’s ‘OBAKE YOSHIKI’ Opening Ceremony has so far struggled to gain the popularity that it enjoys in it’s other locations in LA, NY and London. Some people say that this is due to a poor selection by the conservative buyers at SEIBU who partner with Opening Ceremony in Japan, a somewhat spookier suggestion is that the building is said to be cursed with business after business failing there. For years now talk has also been rife that people have ‘seen and felt things’ on certain floors of the Movida Building and it has a sinister vibe….

Well that’s all going to be in the past! Opening Ceremony is moving to a new location on Harajuku’s Cat Street. ‘Opening Ceremony Omotesando’ will feautre 3 floors above ground with a basement, each of the foor floors will have a different theme. Whilst geographically the move is not so far, being closer to luxury brands of Omotesando and closer into Harajuku brings Opening Ceremony a lot closer to its target demographic.

If this wasn’t enough to rejuvenate the store then OC’s first Japanese collaboration certainly is. ‘Kiko Mizuhara for Opening Ceremony’ will be the iconic model and actress’ first clothing collection and collaboration, sure to excite the legions of fans she has gained through the huge amount of work she;s done over the past few years. Available exclusively at Opening Ceremony Japan. Opening Ceremony Omotesando opens on April 20th with Kiko’s collection debuting on the same say.

そんなOPENING CEREMONYが、4月20日「OPENING CEREMONY OMOTESANDO」をキャットストリートに移転することが明らかとなった。西武渋谷店モヴィータ館を脱出し、新たにOCならではの世界観が原宿のストリートにやってくる。また、モデル・女優として活躍する水原希子が、「OPENING CEREMONY OMOTESANDO」のオープンに合わせて初のコラボレーションライン「Kiko Mizuhara for OPENING CEREMONY」を立ち上げることが発表された。「good old days in 1920s PARIS」をテーマに古き良き1920年代のパリのキャバレーイメージソースにランジェリーやルームウェア、アクセサリー全20型のラインナップ。

さらに、3月17日に発売される「m-flo」の7枚目のアルバム「NEVEN」に …. はい、ここでも引っ張りだこの水原希子が … 50組目の「Lovers」メンバーとして参加していることが発表された。水原希子といえば、2011年5月に発売された音楽プロデューサーTOWA TEIの6枚目のアルバム「SUNNY」で、ご存知YMOの高橋幸宏と共にゲストヴォーカルとして参加している(コチラ

It’s also been announced that Kiko is to feature on m-flo’s forthcoming album ‘Neven’ which is to be released on March 17th. ‘No Way’, the song which Kiko sings on is previewd in the video above. Kiko will be the 50th artist to have collaborated with m-flo since the group started their genre defining ‘Loves’ series years ago. It’s the second time for Kiko to feature on an album track after her cute turn on Towa Tei’s ‘The Buring Plain’ (Video Here)

m-flo Official Website