Numero TOKYO「男の利き手」でおなじみ写真家「操上和美」による写真展「操上和美 時のポートレイト 」が9月29日より東京都写真美術館2階展示室にて開催されている。詳しくはコチラ!
▶ 操上和美 時のポートレイト
日程:2012年9月29日 ~ 12月2日
時間:10:00 ~ 18:00
入場料:一般 700(560)円/学生 600(480)円/中高生・65歳以上 500(400)円 ※10月1日(月・都民の日)は入場無料
An outstanding commercial photographer, KURIGAMI Kazumi (1936- ) continually incorporated new forms of expression in his still and video works during the 1970s and 1980s, resulting in countless images from his work remaining impressed on our memories to this day. There are his commercials, including the ‘Fairlady Z’ for Nissan, ‘Jackal’ for Sony, ‘Old’ Whisky for Suntory, ‘Regno’ for Bridgestone, ‘Professor Hawking’ for NTT DATA, etc., then there are also his portraits of such people as Robert Frank, RYU Chishu, Keith Richards, etc. His first motion picture, ‘Gelatin Silver, Love’ (2009), gives an insight into the artists aesthetic (view the stylistic trailer below).
This exhibition will feature snapshots he took as personal works during the course of his daily life from the 1970s to the present day, offering an opportunity to approach the striking sense of beauty that forms a common thread that runs throughout his work. The works shown here have been chosen from among the tens of thousands of pictures, including his life works, such as the ‘HITOHONE’ series, in which the monochrome images, that seem to depict fading memories, contrast impressively with the powerful tones of the color works, and his ‘NORTHERN’ series, which consists of photographs he took on a journey back to his old hometown, etc.