
謳え、踊れ、驚異の‘ハイブリッド’たちよ —


仮面を身につけることによって、人々は自然と向き合い、神や精霊といった目に見えない存在と通じ、物語を演じる表現者となる。仮面は、肉体と意見をもつ人間と、それを取り巻く世界の境界に位置する。人は動物や精霊や神々、そして物語の登場人物を模(かたど)った仮面を纏い、時に音楽やリズムとともに踊り、舞い、それと一体化することによって、我と仮面(=他者)という両者の力を併せ持つ存在(ハイブリッド)となって、未知なる時空の扉を開こうとしたのだ。それぞれの土地の特質や文化を背景に、人々の様々な願いが反映された仮面たちは、溢れる想像力に 満ちたユニークなかたちや素材、スケール感によって生み出されている。本展は、<今>に伝えられるマスクの生き生きとした魅力を展覧し、その表現の本質に迫ろうとするもの。

時間:10:00 – 18:00(休・第2・第4水曜日/祝日の場合はその翌日)
料金:一般 1,200円 / 大学生(専修・各種専門学生含む)960円 / 中・高校生・65歳以上 600円

Tokyo’s Metroplitan Teien Art Gallery is a truly unique space. The former resident of Prince Asaka was built in the Art Deco style in 1933. Opened to the public in 1983 the rich architectural history of its building lends itself to a one-of-a-kind museum experience. The latest exhibition to open is entitled ‘Maks: Beauty of the Spirits’ and comprises of over 100 masks from Paris’ Musée du quai Branly.

Musée du quai Branlylocated on the bank of the Seine River and designed by architect Jean Nouvel, has been attracting attention from around the world since it first opened its doors in 2006. This exhibition draws on the museum’s treasure trove of rare and precious items collected from Asia, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas to explore the fascinating world of masks, and is the first large-scale exhibition of the musée du quai Branly collection to take place in Japan.

In putting on masks, people throughout history have come face to face with nature, allowing the invisible powers of gods and the spirits to transform them into performers, actors, storytellers. Masks belong in the liminal space between people, gifted with both physicality and the power for reflection, and the world surrounding them. In donning masks representing animals, gods or spirits, or perhaps characters in a story, and in the dancing and singing that frequently accompanies this act, the wearers become one with their masks. It is in this transformation of the wearers into hybrid entities, possessing the powers of both their selves and their masks (also therefore standing for otherness), that the doors to a yet-undiscovered realm are flung open. What the diverse masks from all across the world featured in this exhibition have in common is their breathtaking imaginative force, as made evident in the uniqueness of their shape, materials, or scale.

Laying bare the true fascination of this vital form of representation, the exhibition explores the true essence of the mask and what it means to us in today‘s world.

It’s a must see exhibition.

Masks: Beauty of the Spirits
Masterpieces from the musée du quai Branly
Saturday, April 25, 2015 - Tuesday, June 30
Venue: Main building + Gallery 1, 2, Annex

Mask photos used by permission of Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Musuem
Interior photos taken by Dan Bailey