極彩色の鮮烈な写真で知られる蜷川実花は、近年、映画監督としてはもちろん、ミュージックビデオなどの映像作品、ファッションデザイナーとのコラボレーションと幅広く活動している今もっとも注目を集める日本人写真家の1人。独自のスタイルを貫きつつ挑戦を続ける表現者。「蜷川カラー」とも呼ばれるその色とともにアイドルやモデル、花々の輝きを捉えた作品がポジティブで開放的と評される一方で、華やかさや幸福感と隣り合わせにある歪みや澱み、衰退の影や死の気配をも捉え続けてきた。本展では、そのような闇や影の部分に目を向けて新境地を開いたシリーズ「noir」(201年-)と川面に散る桜を一心不乱に収めた「PLANT A TREE」(2011年)、そして初期から断続的に撮影してきたモノクロームのセルフポートレイトを中心に展観。
時間:11:00 – 17:00(水曜は20時まで)
料金:一般1,00円 大学生700円 小中学生500円
Renowned Japanese Photographer and Filmmaker Ninagawa Mika will exhibit her ‘Self-Image’ at the inner-city oasis that is The Hara Musuem Tokyo.
Known for her vivid and richly colorful photographs, Ninagawa is an artist who continually challenges herself, expanding in recent years into the areas of cinema, music videos and even collaborations with fashion designers, while maintaining a style that is uniquely her own. The vitality and splendor conveyed in her colors – dubbed “Ninagawa Color” – and images of teen idols and flowers stand in stark contrast to the sense of distortion, decline, stagnation and even death that she captures in other work.
At the core of the exhibition are Ninagawa’s noir series, a study of darkness and shadows that broke new ground for the artist, her PLANT A TREE series of cherry blossoms scattered on the surface of rivers created during a period of intense focus, and her monochrome self-portraits which she began at the start of her career and has added
intermittently since then. Together they present a “self-image” described by Ninagawa as being “close to her raw and unguarded self”.
Mika Ninagawa ‘SELF IMAGE’
Hara Museum Tokyo
January 24th – May 10th 2015