まず、ピックしたのは古くはパリのコレットに在籍し、ジル・サンダーなども手掛けたトラサルディ1911(Trussardi 1911)。基本白、黒、グレーと暗めの色が多かったがポイントポイントに光沢ある奇麗な赤を使用。Trussardi1911だけでなく、春夏だというのに全体的に暗いイメージが。グッチ(Gucci)では、黒と白の模様のシャツに、青で細身のネクタイを合わせたスタイルがとても印象的だ。ラフ・シモンズ(Raf Simmons)によるジル・サンダー(Jil Sander)では、フランスで最も有名な日本人芸術家の藤田嗣治をテーマに、ほとんどのモデルがマッシュルームカットでの登場。とてもジル・サンダーらしいルックだ。ニール・バレット(Neil Barrett)では、ショートパンツにノースリーブのシャツが印象的だっただろう。身頃の部分のレザーも印象深い。
You would be forgiven for thinking many of the collections presented in Milan this past week were for a pre-fall collection rather than Spring/Summer 2010. Grey was the predominant color, there were more jackets than shorts and a lot of the looks we had seen before in A/W collections.
Some dashes of red like those at Trussardi 1911 added some much needed color, as did the striking blue tie on a black and white patterned shirt at Gucci. Raf Simmons continued the minimalist tradition for Jil Sander whilst paying tribute to Japanese artist Tsuguharu Foujita in the hair styles of the clean cut models and with the Tokyo born artists sketches scrawled across some of the clothes. Neil Barretts mixed use of fabrics was inspired and original.
In these dark economic times it is clear designers are still unsure of how to progress, which is why a lot of the looks feel a little repetitive. We look forward to the Paris Collections which re traditionally the more artistic and creative of the two.