The return of the indie fashion kids continues. mixing. A new party by Taro and Yuki. A space I’d never been (Club Malcolm on Shibuya Center Gai). People I’d not met before (Some are tagged some I still don’t know yet).
It reminded me of Paul James VANITY parties when those lucky enough to get a wrist band would pile out onto these same streets (that informed the soundtrack choice). Sunkus conbini is long gone but some of the energy is the same. ‘WHO KILLED BAMBI?’ graffiti’d on a walk next to the taxidermy head of a deer is very Y2K Shibuya Center Gai energy.
*actually disappointed in these photos I can’t get used to a fuji xt energy at night I like my canon dslr but this was a multi stop night and sometimes I’m lazy. The quest to document Tokyo’s nightlife scene continues.

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