個人的にも愛用している「Air MAX」シリーズから2010年モデル「Air Attacks」が登場。豊富なバリエーションでシチュエーションによって選ぶことができるラインナップ。ご存知かと思うが、Air MAXと言えばクッッション性と空気そのものを意味し、一日中歩き回っても快適な履き心地なのだ。もちろん、ランニングにも最適な一足。十分に計算し尽くされた「Air Attacks」シリーズ、あなたはどれを選ぶ?また、エア部長から大切なお話が。check it out…↓
Earlier this week we dropped by the Nike Design Studio to check out their new Air Max releases. The new Air Max ‘Attacks’ 2009 (pictured here) are in stores next week as well as polo shorts in corresponding color ways. As well as a lot of our friends who were also there for the afternoon we were photographed for a ‘Scream Your Color’ set of photos which will be online next week. Ever wondered where the Air in Nike Air’s comes from?