3月26日(土)渋谷のTRUMP ROOMにて開催された「ONE NIPPON」。3月11日に起きてしまった東北地方太平洋沖地震で停電や火災、津波などの損害が拡大し、今でも困っている人たちのために少しでも力にと思い企画した「ONE NIPPON」という名のチャリティイベント。嬉しいことにイベント当日は沢山の方が集まり、沢山の食品・物資類を集めることができました。これも皆さんのお陰です。なんだかこういったかたちで皆が一つになったこと。そして、共に作業を手伝ってくれた方々、本当にありがとうございました。
参加頂いた出演者の皆様、(4階→ TRIPPPLE NIPPPLES!!! / BABY MARY & KJ / DETTO K / FLASH & ROXI / KOSUKE ADAM / Leo Candycane / MADEMOISELLE YULIA / TAKERU is Dead / TOKYO DANDY / YATT / YOON / YUYA NARA and SACHIKO / 2BOY)、(5階→ ANTI NOISE / Cloudom / DJ Shun / D&V / FREEEK / I’M / Jacob le champ / KOHNO / Modern boy / POPPO / SALVADOR / TOMMY)本当にありがとうございました。
テレビやラジオでの誤った情報の出回り、放射線、お水 … と問題は色々ありますが、そういった情報を発信している方たちも同じ人間(日本人)です。間違えることもあります。パーフェクトな人間なんていないと思うし。が、だからこそ各自自分自身のケア、周りにいる友達との助け合い、大切な両親、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃん、兄、姉、弟、妹、親戚、従兄弟、そして、パートナーを支え合うこと。最低限のことは誰にでもできるはずです。
とにかく …
On March 26th we put together the ‘ONE NIPPON’ event at Trump Room in Shibuya. Like many of our friends, we’ve felt equally restless and helpless since the devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11th. Reading Japanese blogs and tweets we came to realize that a lot of people felt intimidated by the huge devastation and the generous cash donations by companies and individuals. They were struggling to find ways in which they themselves could help.
We learned of 2nd Harvest Japan in the early days of the disaster relief. It’s an established organization which has developed grass roots relationships with those worst affected in the North East of Japan through their delivery of essential goods. They have set up a distribution center in Sendai and as well as supplying relief to larger evacuee centers they have used their connections with the local community to find ‘off the map’ pockets of need and aid to them.
We asked party goers to bring 3 items from the 2nd Harvest Japan list of items to the party and most brought much more than that. The 6th floor was used as a collection point and boxes were soon packed with the everyday items we take for granted but that are in immediate need in North East Japan. Seeing all of these items together we could all appreciate that by working together we could each make a difference.
On the 4th and 5th floors DJs gladly gave their time to provide the sound track for a night that was to bring our Tokyo community back together. The majority of our friends have not left Tokyo since March 11th, a lot of them live alone and with the cancellation of all other events this was the first opportunity in 2 weeks to get out and see people. It was the easiest event to organize and it was only possible because all of the DJs wanted to be involved, we owe them all a huge thanks for allowing us the opportunity to both offer our help and to get so many people together with just a couple of days promotion.
On the 4th floor we had BABY MARY & KJ, DETTO K, FLASH & ROX, KOSUKE ADAM, Leo Candycane, MADEMOISELLE YULIA, TAKERU, YATT, YOON, YUYA NARA & SACHIKO, 2BOY and a fantastic perfromance by the Trippple Nippples. THANK YOU x
The 5th floor was put together by our friend Hatchi who organizes party under the banner ‘Me and My Friends’. On that floor ANTI NOISE, Cloudom, DJ Shun, FREEEK, I’M, Jacob le champ, KOHNO, Modern Boy, POPPO, SALVADOR and TOMMY.
The morning after the event we returned to Trump Room to put the final touches to the 33 plus bags and boxes which people had put together, an incredible result. Matsumura-san from Trump Room rented us a truck and with the help of some friends we were soon packed up and on the road. The 2nd Harvest Japan Tokyo collection point is in Asakusa-Bashi, the volunteers weighed the boxes as they unloaded the truck and the total amount was in excess of 430 KG. Some of those items will have been in one of 2nd Harvest Japans four trucks on their way up North that same evening, and as I write this now all of the items collected will be being distributed to the evacuees and displaced in North East Japan.
Thank you so much to everyone who was involved in ONE NIPPON. I had a great time on Saturday seeing everyone and it seems everyone else at the party did too. This is not the end. The aftershocks in Tokyo may be subsiding but we have to remain aware of the situation at the Nuclear power plant in Fukushima which is not getting any better. We also need to continue to help those who’ve lost everything.
You can donate money or goods directly to 2nd Harvest Japan, all the information you need is on their website – 2nd HARVEST JAPAN.