時代に流されない反骨精神で世界を刺激しつづけるファッションデザイナー・山本耀司とアーティスト・朝倉優佳による「画と機」が、東京オペラシティ アートギャラリーで開催される。


2016年春夏メンズ&ウィメンズコレクションから数シーズンにわたりヨウジヤマモトととコラボレーションピースを発表した朝倉優佳。本展「画」は絵画を、「機」は「はずみ」や「機会」「機織(服)」を意味し、この二文字は関係性を表し絵画とファッション、二次元と三次元、男と女など、反発しながらも惹かれ合い、互いに逃れられないような、創造の根源に触れる危険な関係を暴き出す。また、つなげて「ガキ」という音のとおり、世間が子どもへ向ける目への反抗や抵抗としての表現とも捉えられる。誰もが子どもであった時期があり、誰もが子どもの頃の断片を持ち続けているはず ─ そんなメッセージとしても解釈できるだろう。


本展は、未発表の絵画やインスタレーションなどのほか、ここ数シーズンにわたりヨウジヤマモトの服づくりに熱を与えた若手画家 朝倉優佳の作品も交え、空間に対峙した新たな創造を提案。「画と機」の、衝突・融合・失望・対立・共存・刹那・交替・憧憬・永遠の現場をごご堪能頂けるだろう。

画と機 山本耀司・朝倉優佳
会場:東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー
住所:東京都新宿区西新宿3-20−2 東京オペラシティビル
時間:11:00 – 19:00(金土20時まで / 最終入場は閉館30分前まで)
入場料:一般1,200円 | 大高生800円(中学生以下無料)

Creative synergy is formed in this upcoming exhibition at Tokyo Opera City.

The exhibition’s title, ‘Painting and Weaving Opportunity’, was thought up by Yamamoto’s old friend, self-styled ‘editorial engineer’ Seigow Matsuoka at Yamamoto’s request. It represents the possibilities presented by collaboration between painting and ‘woven’ textiles, i.e. clothes. It is not just the conjunction between painting and fashion that the exhibition presents, but also that between 2D and 3D, men and women, and other oppositions. The essential nature of all of these conjunctions is that of simultaneous repulsion and attraction, an inescapable, inevitable, and in many ways dangerous bond, which touches the very heart of creation.


The title’s suggestion of ‘seizing the opportunity’ also points to taking a childlike pleasure in the act of creation—something that not just Yamamoto, but all of us are capable of. Each of us was once a child, and we all still carry this experimental and unconstrained creative side within us.

This kind of freedom is also fully apparent in the work of Yuuka Asakura. The artist has been collaborating with Yamamoto for several seasons now, from the 2016 spring/summer collection onward. Aside from the bold designs she has produced on Yamamoto’s clothing, she also creates large-scale canvases and murals, and holds live painting events.

The show features painting and sculpture created by Yohji Yamamoto for the exhibition, as well as work he produced within the space itself. At first glance, the exhibition hall may seem chaotic, but a closer look reveals a complex interweaving of opposing forces, producing a daring and highly innovative space. Viewers can expect to catch glimpses of that which lies at the very roots of artistic creation.

Painting and Weaving Opportunity: Yohji Yamamoto・Yuuka AsakuraSaturday 10 December, 2016 – Sunday 12 March. 2017