Photographer Mario Testino was in Tokyo a few weeks ago an reached out to Tokyo Dandy to work on something together. We decided to the best thing to do would be to host a party to introduce Mario to some of Tokyo’s burgeoning youth.
Mario has always liked to party. Early in his career whilst squatting in a disused hospital in London he was known for throwing doctors and nurses themed nights. That must have been a far cry from the balls, dinners and celebrations he has attended since his photography ushered in an era of post-grunge glamour in the 90’s. Today Mario enjoys access-all-areas across the globe, a blessing he is keen to share through his web portal, which features images and stories from a global network of contributors.
新しい物や時代の空気、新世代の価値観から聞き耳を持ち、新しい何かを開拓するために人々との出会いを刺激に変える世界的フォトグラファー。彼の名を一躍有名にしたのは、1997年に撮影したダイアナ妃の最後の写真に違いない。ハリウッド女優からスーパーモデル、ミュージシャン、アーティストと多くの著名人を撮影し続けてきた大御所中の大御所。そんな彼のアプローチとエネルギーから刺激を受け、今回のフィーチャリングが実現。多くの東京ユースが駆けつけたあの日の夜、マリオ自身が撮影したモノクロの写真と、ダン(TOKYO DANDY)の動く芸術=GIF動画アートが完成した。
Testino maintains a vital enthusiasm for the new. This interest reaches beyond fashion, across popular culture and into all circumstances that involve meeting people. His approach and energy are as inspiring as the work he has accomplished. For us, it was truly an honour to host a party and photograph beside a hero and legend. Below we present photos by Mario Testing taken at Shibuya’s iconic Trump Room at a party hosted by Tokyo Dandy together with Actors, musicians, models, students, dancers and friends (gifs created by us).
All still photos abnove by Mario Testino.
GIFs below by Dan Bailey (Tokyo Dandy)