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    突然の閉店を告げられ居ても立ってもいられなかった多くの人たち、トランプルームのような場所は東京から無くしてはいけない、と曇りがちだった体制に希望の光を送り込み前向きに、ボジティブな方向へ進むよう、タイトルを変えて動き出した4夜連続の「SAVE THE TRUMP ROOM」。

    2008年にトウキョウダンディをスタートして以来、数え切れないほどのパーティーを行ってきた。周年イベントから、ハロウィン、クリスマス、夏祭り、誕生日会に至るまであらゆるゲストを招いて開催してきた当時の記憶。特に思い出に残っているのは周年イベントだろう。思い出話はさておき、ダンが撮った4夜連続「SAVE THE TRUMP ROOM」を振り返ってみよう。

    Iconic Shibuya nightspot Trump Room played host to a final round of parties after announcing its closure last week. Having understood the issue to have been non-payment of rent, well intentioned supporters mounted a campaign to ‘Save The Trump Room’, but as the week came to a close it was evident that the situation was a lot more complicated than first thought with the changing ownership of the building being one of many reasons why the club had to close.

    Trump Room has played a huge part in Tokyo Dandy’s history. From our first Anniversary in 2009 to countless parties and events over the past decade, it’s where we’ve been privileged to bring together a generation of Tokyo creatives. With so many faces from the past and present stopping by to pay tribute in its last few days, it was great to be reminded of the sense of community that came to be under those dusty chandeliers. Thank you to Matsumura-san whose generosity and spirit of enjoyment has helped us and so many others to be where we are now. It took me a while to get round to looking through the photos, it’s quite surreal to think this is the last set of photos of Trump Room we’ll ever post. Photos from Trump Room are significant part of our archive of the past decade of Tokyo nightlife and fashion – something we will continue to document.

    All photos by Dan Bailey