篠山紀信展 写真力
日程:2012年10月3日(水)~ 12月24日(月・祝)
時間:11:00 ~ 19:00
会場:東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー
入場料:一般1,000円 / 学生・高校800円 / 中学・小学生600円
Legendary Japanese Photographer Kishin Shinoyama celebrates his first major solo exhibition in Japan this month with ‘The People by Kishin’ at Tokyo Opera City.
This exhibition is the first large-scale solo show by Shinoyama to be staged in a museum in this country, with Shinoyama himself gauging that the time is right after turning down all previous requests to hold retrospective exhibitions of his work in museums. But what is “the power of photography” ? According to Shinoyama, it refers to “photographs filled with the power of photography,” or “awe-inspiring photographs” that leave the subject, the photographer, and the viewers speechless. Focusing on the portraits of famous people that constitute Shinoyama’s main area of activity, around 120 works that best demonstrate this “power of photography” have been chosen from among Shinoyama’s work over the last fifty years, enlarged dramatically to suit the generous exhibition space, and presented in completely new contexts. For Shinoyama, such an exhibition bringing together under one roof so many decisive images spanning half a century that he himself recognises as capturing “the moment the god of photography descended” is a new challenge given that it is set in the medium of the museum. As well as strongly evoking the times and society that the Japanese people have lived through, the exhibition will also give audiences the opportunity to experience the powerful energy inherent in the medium of photography. SEE MORE BACKGROUND INFO ON THE WEBSITE
Wednesday, 3 October – Monday, 24 December, 2012