香港でもっとも多くの集客を誇る巨大商業施設「Harbour City(ハーバー・シティ)」にて「TOKYO “LOLIPUNK”」 と題したPOP-UP SHOPが3月24日より開催されている。日本のファッションブランド、カルチャーなどを世界に発信する遊び場として、日本のストリート、モード、ガールズのファッションをミックスした日本の現在のモノづくりといったところだ。日本からはCANDYやキタコレビルでおなじみ、GARTERなどが参加し、期間限定で作り出されたPOP-UP SHOPに出店。香港にいる方是非足を運んでみるべし。

期間:2012年3月24日(土) – 4月1日(日)

Over the weekend we journeyed to Hong Kong for the launch of Tokyo ‘LOLIPUNK’, a Japanese pop-up shop within the cities largest retail space, Harbor City. Joining us on the trip were Mademoiselle Yulia and Yana from CANDY, the former providing DJ duties for a fashion show by the latter’s iconic store. The ‘LOLIPUNK’ pop-up space featured the items and brands that give Japan, in particular it’s street style, it’s unique edge. This included custom pieces by GARTER, ilil and DOG from the Kita Kore building alongside young Japanese labels from CANDY including DISSBORN, CHRISTIAN DADA and BALMUNG. The space also includes a purikura style where guests can mess around with photos of themselves alongside items and logos from the featured brands. Our friends Sara-Mary, Elli-Rose, Nara Yuya and Sachiko dropped by to check it out before enjoying our last night out amongst the vertical neon splendor of Hong Kong. Great city, can’t wait to go back.

There are only a few more days left to check out the Tokyo Loli-Punk Pop-up at Harbor City which is open through until April 1st.