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    新しい書籍「Wonderwall Case Studies」の出版を記念したローンチパーティー、50歳という人生の説目を迎えた片山さんのダブルセレブレーションが昨夜開催された。


    ”感謝の宴”を込めて、来場者への挨拶、招待状同様、お金もコネもなく、21歳の時に上京、そんな若者が多くの恩人と巡り会い、本当にたくさんの経験を積むことができた、とステージ上でも語ってくれた。そして、まだまだやりたいこと、やるべきことがたくさんあると述べ、現在進行中のAMB​​USH® WORKSHOPやユナイテッドアローズ六本木店と今後のプロジェクトなどを紹介した。本書詳しい詳細は(こちら)。


    sakanactionSakanaction at Wonderwall Case Studies launch

    Monday night was a double celebration for Masamichi Katayama. The founder of interior design firm Wonderwall turned 50 in grand style with a party that celebrated the launch of the ‘Wonder wall Case Studies’ book. Ebisu Garden place was turned into glittering Disco with Shinichi Osawa and FPM providing the music. After giving a speech that thanked the events vendors and introduced upcoming projects including the AMBUSH® WORKSHOP, Katayama-san introduced his favorite band Sakanaction who give a full on performance complete with lasers, taico drums with vocalist Ichiro Yamaguchi flanked by geisha.

    Wonderwall Case Studies is the first comprehensive exploration of the work, process, and mindset of Wonderwall, which is one of the most influential interior-design firms in the world. It offers an in depth look into 11 assignments including Thom Browne New York Aoyama, Yoyogi Vilage and UNIQLO as well as a vast portfolio overview. Published by Winkreative, the book is out now. Happy Birthday Katayama-san!

    Happy birthday @masamichi_katayama & congrats on the launch of #Wonderwall Case Studies book #ebisugardendisco

    A video posted by Dan Bailey (@tokyodandy) on